The fxt demos: sorting and searching

Directory sort: Sorting and searching: quick sort, radix sort and binary search.
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You may want to look at the outputs first.

equivclass-bitstring-out.txt is the output of
Equivalence classes: bit-strings with reversal and complement.
The demo uses the functions from equivclasses.h (fxt/src/sort/equivclasses.h) sortbykey.h (fxt/src/sort/sortbykey.h)

equivclass-bracelets-out.txt is the output of
Equivalence classes: binary bracelets.
The demo uses the functions from equivclasses.h (fxt/src/sort/equivclasses.h) sortbykey.h (fxt/src/sort/sortbykey.h)

equivclass-necklaces-out.txt is the output of
Equivalence classes: binary necklaces.
The demo uses the functions from equivclasses.h (fxt/src/sort/equivclasses.h) sortbykey.h (fxt/src/sort/sortbykey.h)

heapsort-out.txt is the output of
Demo of the heap sort algorithm.
The demo uses the functions from heapsort.h (fxt/src/sort/heapsort.h) sort.h (fxt/src/sort/sort.h) bsearch.h (fxt/src/sort/bsearch.h)

merge-sort-out.txt is the output of
Demo of the merge sort algorithm.
The demo uses the functions from merge-sort.h (fxt/src/sort/merge-sort.h)

merge-sort4-out.txt is the output of
Demo of the 4-way merge sort algorithm.
The demo uses the functions from merge-sort.h (fxt/src/sort/merge-sort.h)

radixsort-out.txt is the output of
Radix sort and counting sort.
The demo uses the functions from radixsort.h (fxt/src/sort/radixsort.h) (fxt/src/sort/

selection-sort-out.txt is the output of
Demo of the selection sort algorithm.
The demo uses the functions from sort.h (fxt/src/sort/sort.h)

sort-complex-out.txt is the output of
Demo of sort for complex numbers. Major order wrt. real part, minor order wrt. imag part.
The demo uses the functions from sortfunc.h (fxt/src/sort/sortfunc.h)

sort-out.txt is the output of
Demo of sort and search routines.
The demo uses the functions from sort.h (fxt/src/sort/sort.h) bsearch.h (fxt/src/sort/bsearch.h)

sort-string-out.txt is the output of
index sorting with comparison function: string sorting.
The demo uses the functions from sortidxfunc.h (fxt/src/sort/sortidxfunc.h) minmaxidxfunc.h (fxt/src/sort/minmaxidxfunc.h)

sortidx-out.txt is the output of
Demo of index-sorting.
The demo uses the functions from sortidx.h (fxt/src/sort/sortidx.h) bsearchidx.h (fxt/src/sort/bsearchidx.h)

sortptr-out.txt is the output of
Demo of pointer-sorting.
The demo uses the functions from sortptr.h (fxt/src/sort/sortptr.h) bsearchptr.h (fxt/src/sort/bsearchptr.h)

unique-out.txt is the output of
The functions quantize() and unique().
The demo uses the functions from unique.h (fxt/src/sort/unique.h)