// output of ./demo/graph/graph-lyndon-gray-demo.cc: // Description: //% Paths through a directed graph: Gray paths through Lyndon words. arg 1: 7 == n [a prime <=23] default=7 arg 2: 1 == maxnp [stop after maxnp paths (0: never stop)] default=1 arg 3: 0 == cn [choose comparison function for sorting edges] default=0 arg 4: 0 == erevq [whether to reverse edge-order] default=0 arg 5: 0 == condn [choose condition: 0==>cycles, 1==>rot0, 2==>monotonic, 3==>1&2, 4==>nil] default=0 Using comparison function #0 #nodes=18 #edges=94 0: k : [ node] lyn_dec lyn_bin #rot rot(lyn) diff delta 0 : [ 0] 1 ......1 0 ......1 ......1 0 1 : [ 1] 3 .....11 0 .....11 .....1. 1 2 : [ 3] 7 ....111 0 ....111 ....1.. 2 3 : [ 7] 15 ...1111 0 ...1111 ...1... 3 4 : [ 13] 31 ..11111 0 ..11111 ..1.... 4 5 : [ 17] 63 .111111 0 .111111 .1..... 5 6 : [ 15] 47 .1.1111 0 .1.1111 ..1.... 4 7 : [ 10] 23 ..1.111 1 .1.111. ......1 0 8 : [ 16] 55 .11.111 1 11.111. 1...... 6 9 : [ 11] 27 ..11.11 2 11.11.. .....1. 1 10 : [ 5] 11 ...1.11 2 .1.11.. 1...... 6 11 : [ 14] 43 .1.1.11 2 .1.11.1 ......1 0 12 : [ 6] 13 ...11.1 0 ...11.1 .1..... 5 13 : [ 12] 29 ..111.1 0 ..111.1 ..1.... 4 14 : [ 8] 19 ..1..11 3 ..11..1 ....1.. 2 15 : [ 4] 9 ...1..1 0 ...1..1 ..1.... 4 16 : [ 9] 21 ..1.1.1 3 .1.1..1 .1..... 5 17 : [ 2] 5 ....1.1 3 .1.1... ......1 0 Path: (short print) Path: #non-first-free turns = 0 (lucky path) n = 7 #pfct = 1 #paths = 1 #cycles = 1