// output of ./demo/graph/sta-graph-acgray-demo.cc: // Description: //% Paths through a directed graph: adjacent changes (AC) Gray paths. //% Streamlined standalone routine (for backtracking). arg 1: 6 == n [number of bits (n>=3)] default=6 arg 2: 1 == maxct [stop after that many paths (0 ==> find all paths)] default=1 Nh=9 1: 0: ...... 1: ..1... ..1... 2: .11... .1.... 3: .1.... ..1... 4: .1.1.. ...1.. 5: .111.. ..1... 6: ..11.. .1.... 7: 1.11.. 1..... 8: 1111.. .1.... 9: 11.1.. ..1... 10: 11.... ...1.. 11: 111... ..1... 12: 1.1... .1.... 13: 1..... ..1... 14: 1..1.. ...1.. 15: 1..11. ....1. 16: 1...1. ...1.. 17: 1.1.1. ..1... 18: 111.1. .1.... 19: 11..1. ..1... 20: 11.11. ...1.. 21: 11111. ..1... 22: 1.111. .1.... 23: ..111. 1..... 24: .1111. .1.... 25: .1.11. ..1... 26: .1..1. ...1.. 27: .11.1. ..1... 28: ..1.1. .1.... 29: ....1. ..1... 30: ...11. ...1.. 31: ...1.. ....1. 32: ...1.1 .....1 33: ...111 ....1. 34: ....11 ...1.. 35: ..1.11 ..1... 36: .11.11 .1.... 37: .1..11 ..1... 38: .1.111 ...1.. 39: .11111 ..1... 40: ..1111 .1.... 41: 1.1111 1..... 42: 111111 .1.... 43: 11.111 ..1... 44: 11..11 ...1.. 45: 111.11 ..1... 46: 1.1.11 .1.... 47: 1...11 ..1... 48: 1..111 ...1.. 49: 1..1.1 ....1. 50: 1....1 ...1.. 51: 1.1..1 ..1... 52: 111..1 .1.... 53: 11...1 ..1... 54: 11.1.1 ...1.. 55: 1111.1 ..1... 56: 1.11.1 .1.... 57: ..11.1 1..... 58: .111.1 .1.... 59: .1.1.1 ..1... 60: .1...1 ...1.. 61: .11..1 ..1... 62: ..1..1 .1.... 63: .....1 ..1... ct=1